
Poetry from a Dublin Scientist

A show

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls
Here are some feats that will give your toes curls
Daring adventure that’s beyond where you’d go
Roll up and let us give you a show
We do not tame lions or swing the trapeze
Our actions will more give you unease
Our show is not for the faint of heart
It tends to veer more to the deviant part
We tend towards things that intrigue and disgust
If you wish, we will show. That again is a must
Though you may feel revulsion against us I’m sure
What we sell people want, what we have and much more

My Face

This is my face

There are many like it

But this one is mine

I have worn it all my life

I have lived with it

I intend to die with it

With it I have greeted the world

I have bade farewell to dying family

Welcomed new lovers to a fresh day

Absorbed the blows of my enemies

And shown the sweet look of the victor

My face has been burnt by the sun

Beaten by the wind and rain

Made ashen by disease

Turned red by many nights revelry

 This face is mine and has been made by me

By my actions, all I have done

This is my face

And if you think it is ugly

You have another think coming!

Ready and waiting

Ready and waiting
Waiting for a long time
Too long really
Long enough to have forgotten why
Why the charade, why the intrigue
Why the long nights and dreary days
Why all the effort gone to waste
The answer is somewhere
Hidden, in my mind
Unreadable, unread
Yet I know it is there
So I stand here
Ready and waiting
For whatever will come