
Poetry from a Dublin Scientist

Month: April, 2015


With you, my love
I have visions
I am a year later
Asking you to marry me
I am two years from now
Gingerly touching the curve in your waist
Overjoyed with news you just gave me
I am five years later
You by my side, as we walk through the park
A child toddling along ahead
I am fifty years from now
Old in our skins but young in our hearts
Looking at each others eyes
I have these visions
Every moment you are there
Every time you’re in my thoughts
Every second of every day
I try to make them real

Haikus 28/04/15

The student’s worst fears
A year’s work down to three hours

One day, Summer Sun
The next brings wind, rain, and hail
This weather’s insane

I am bored right now
Not sure what I will do next
Why not make a book?

Posters everywhere
At first all No now more Yes
That’s encouraging

Morning After

It is the morning after we met

I wake up early, life filled with possibility

Your number in my pocket

Waiting to be called

But not yet

I know that it is too early

That eagerness may spoil the fun

Ruin the romance

So I wait

Cooking a Frittata to pass the time

Ingredients swirling in the pan

As I recall how we danced that night


Written for the Grammar Ghoul Chimera writing challenge # 15